Kids camps are underway!


We are excited to provide KIDS CAMPS again this summer for traumatized children who have next to nothing.
WAM’s faith-based kids camps give children the opportunity to simply enjoy their childhood, learn more about Christ, develop skills, form friendships, and make memories that will last a lifetime. They are the future of Lebanon and this type of investment in them is critical.

The camps take place in various locations during June and July. Preparations are in full swing, and we are preparing activites, arranging logistics, and setting up programs. We cannot wait to see the children!

Lebanon is facing severe challenges on all levels, so WAM’s team is being extra careful to ensure the safety of the children and staff.

What does a day at our Kids Camp look like?
  • We begin each day with a prayer, followed by a welcoming activity, a Bible lesson, and a worship session.
  • Then, a crafts session related to the specific bible lesson will follow.
  • A healthy meal will be served before children are dismissed and returned to their homes.

Additional activities include:

  • Acting/Theater
  • Art/Painting
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Outdoor and Indoor games (sports, water games, basketball, dancing)
  • Life Skills training
  • Field trip
WAM also provides psychosocial sessions to address issues or concerns highlighted by staff or parents.
Thank you for your continued support of our work in Lebanon. Because of your contribution to our mission, WAM is able to provide a safe and nurturing camp for 600 children this summer. Please, pray for our kids camps, the children and staff, and for Lebanon.