The largest non-nuclear explosion on record rocked the port of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, on August 4th, 2020. Over 300,000 people were left homeless by the blast, along with 7,000 injured and hundreds killed. At least 150 people were left permanently physically wounded. An unknown number of people were traumatized by the explosion, which was felt as far as Cyprus, 150 miles away.

Of the 48 original grain silos located at the port, 36 were destroyed in the blast and the remaining silos fell some time later. This devasted the country, which relies on imports for 80% of its grain needs, and exacerbated the food insecurity first triggered by the prior year’s economic collapse.

Three hospitals were completely destroyed, as well as 90% of the hotels in Beirut. The airport suffered severe damage. Ships in the port were blown apart, their crews killed. Homes six miles away received damage and some remain damaged.

WAM responded to the Beirut Port Explosion with food and hygiene kits, hot meals, building reparations, and trauma training. WAM continues making repairs to damaged homes to this day.